IEMS Undergraduate Research

I got the opportunity to work alongside my IEMS professors, graduate students at NU, and fellow undergraduates in collaboration with a school district in Illinois. The School Districting model is a project aimed at determining attendance area zones for schools in a district by assigning students based on their grade, desired programs, and residential location. The model uses block data and considers multiple objectives including minimizing travel distance and reducing bus transportation to create a robust model. Balancing the distribution of free and reduced lunch eligible students across schools, maximizing similarity with current assignments, and enforcing contiguity were also essential criteria for the model. The goal of the project is to respond to ongoing trends in enrollment and help the district achieve its objectives.

Our Process

  • I was apart of the optimization team as an undergraduate research assistant.

    We aimed to enhance the functionality and usability of the school opening/closing model by conducting comprehensive data analysis, consolidating blocks to reduce complexity, allowing for swift adaptations in response to decisions made by the school committee, and integrating the model seamlessly with the visualization team to facilitate real-time solution generation.

  • I worked on modifying the existing model by replacing files with easier to understand data. I also created statistical reports and presentations to showcase findings. In response to a request from the school district to build a new school in one of the district wards, I added a new school to the model and tested different scenarios (e.g. minimizing distance, only serving X-ward students) to inform the district's decision-making on the school's characteristics (e.g. capacity, programs offered).

    I experience allowed me to learn from colleagues with different talents and specializations, contributing to the growth and advancement of the project. By working closely with my team, I was constantly able to absorb knowledge and make daily progress towards our goals.

Ibrahima Bah

“Remind yourself, nobody’s built like you. You design yourself.” -Jay Z

(917) 609-9984


IEMS Capstone: UTS